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Download the College Resume Template.

Looking for High School Resume Templates?


Build your resume:

Building your resume is an important and necessary step on your road to becoming an accountant. Whether you're a second semester freshman who just finished their first intro classes or a junior with a few campus jobs under your belt, you have valuable experiences to highlight. We know creating a resume can seem a bit intimidating at first, but with the help of a few good tips, you'll be well on your way to an offer letter. 😉 To make things easier, read on, download the customizable templates, and make them your own!

IMPORTANT: The examples within are not meant to be used as your own. Be creative and add your own spin on it!

Contact Information

This section is important because recruiters and potential employers will use it to contact you. Tap in with our templates if you're looking for examples of how to include this information in a creative way.

Some important tips:
  • Email: Try to avoid using informal words in your email. A professional email address should typically include your name or last name, or a combination of your initials (stay away from bubblegumprincess@gmail.com, we're begging).
  • Phone number: This should be your cell phone number. Relisten to your voicemail message to make sure you wouldn't mind a potential employer hearing it. Trust us.
  • LinkedIn Profile Link: You may not have one, that's okay! There's plenty of time to get to that (check out our Guide to Making a LinkedIn when you're ready). But if you do, this is a great place to link it.

Objective/Summary Statement



Sample Experiences and Bullets


Now that your resume is good as gold, time to build the winning scholarship (or academic program) application essay. Off you go! 🤗